Today identifying and developing potential is more than ever a global issue, because:

  • Due to scarce resources, the fight for the best is taking place globally
  • Less and less companies focus exclusively on the domestic market

On the one hand, global search requires market access and local expertise in the various countries, on the other hand, fitting the specific company requirements and competence needs is another must.

Such complex requirements can only be solved by international, interdisciplinary teams. This is where the global network of independent executive search firms comes into play. A well-functioning network of consultants requires professionalism, a very high commitment and dedication from each and every consultant in the “Search Team”. Whether the client is located in Germany, France or the USA, every participant is required to do his best.

This sense of responsibility can be found above all in owner-managed companies in which entrepreneurial thinking is naturally established.

However, this is only one side of the coin. An even greater force than professionalism is the cooperation of all participants based on trust and friendship. You can rely on a friend and a friend will not let you down.

Grünewald Consulting has been a member of the Global Executive Search Network INAC for 12 years now. Twice a year, the owners of recognized executive search companies meet to exchange experiences, initiate best practices and, above all, to renew the friendship between the members over and over again.

This is the key to continually providing enhanced and innovative services to our customers and potential customers with the goal to make them a hero in their market

Be part of this success story!

Lothar Grünewald

Lothar Grünewald

German Partner - INAC Global Executive Search Network
