by GruenewaldConsulting | 27. Jul 2020 | Uncategorized
Dear reader, even if the situation on the labour market begins to gradually stabilize again, employers can still access a large pool of external candidates when filling their key positions. Nevertheless, the competition for the best talents continues. Despite the... by GruenewaldConsulting | 8. Jul 2020 | Uncategorized
With resilience through the crisis or: “The willow is flexible, so it does not fear the storm.” (Japanese proverb) Dear reader, The COVID 19 crisis, which has hit us like the proverbial storm, is shaking many companies to their foundations.... by GruenewaldConsulting | 1. Jul 2020 | Uncategorized
Dear reader, Article of the Hochrhein-Zeitung (Newspaper) about the study of the worldwide management consultant network INAC on the way managers deal with the corona virus. You can also read the whole article here: The challenges... by GruenewaldConsulting | 10. Jun 2020 | Uncategorized
Dear reader, Although safety regulations have been relaxed, everyday activities such as personal exchanges at the coffee machine will remain the exception for some time to come. This is understandable, but it is a burden. After months of limited social contacts, the... by GruenewaldConsulting | 23. Apr 2020 | Uncategorized, Uncategorized, Uncategorized, Uncategorized
Dear reader, it is not surprisingly new that current situation in Germany is extreme (economically, socially and politically), just like in the majority of all other countries at the moment. But especially now when our fear and worries are growing because of the...